Come and join us for this great family camp! Meet other families and enjoy being together with your loved ones.
Wer/ Who: Familien (Eltern, Großeltern) mit Kindern
Families (parents, grandparents) with children
Kinder ab 8 Jahre ohne Begleitung
Children from 8 years up without parents
Wo/ Where: CYC in Cowes, Phillip Island
Kosten/ Costs:
Erwachsene/ adults 14+ $ 175.00
Kinder/ children 9-13 $ 130.00
Kinder/ children 3-8 $ 85.00
Spaß, Erholung und abenteuerliche Geschichten von der Regenbogen-Straße für die ganze Familie auf Phillip Island.
Fun, recreation and adventurous stories from the Rainbow Street for the whole family on Phillip Island.
Euch erwartet ein vielfältiges Programm für Klein und Groß. Gemeinsam mit anderen Familien und getrennt nach Altersgruppen.
There will be a diverse programme for everyone. Together with other families and special activities for the different age groups.
Special: Pre-Camp for Teens
02.-04. April 2018
You are 13+ years old and have no fixed plans yet for your easter holidays?
Then don‘t hesitate to join us for this special Teens camp.
Goal no. 1: Having fun on Phillip Island!
And goal no. 2: Getting prepared for our family camp!
We are looking for YOU in our team! Get some training for being part of our team at
the family camp. You will learn how to lead a
kids programme, how to handle a puppet for our story at the Rainbow Street. And above all: Have
a great time together with other Teens!
Anmeldung/ Registration:
Johannesgemeine/ St. John‘s German Lutheran Curch
3 Albert Avenue, Springvale
Phone: 9546 6005
Weitere Informationen gibt es nach der Anmeldung.
Further information will be send out after your registration.